Short Breaks (respite)

Short breaks (respite) provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their families and have fun.

This also provides families with a break from their caring responsibilities.

Provision is based on a 4-tiered approach:

  • Level 1 - information and advice
  • Level 2 - universal
  • Level 3 - targeted/early help
  • Level 4 - specialist support.

The model will promote local, affordable, aspirational and personalised services.

Please find more information below regarding the 4-tiered approach.

Level 1 - Information and Advice

Where information and advice (Level 1) will be given to families to support them in navigating the complex pathway through the range of support and services available to them. 

Level 2 - Universal

The universal offer, will be enhanced to be accessible by services such as leisure, libraries, countryside parks and activities. This would ensure that all disabled children have the opportunity to access positive local activities in a safe environment. This will be available to all young people but with a focus on supporting those in the area special schools and specialist units

Level 3 - Targeted/Early Help

The targeted early help offer, is for disabled children and teenagers who are eligible for services from the Children with Disabilities Team but only require a lower level of support access targeted services. They may need to be supported by people with specialist knowledge but could also access universal provision with support where appropriate. They may do this with the support of a direct payment or personal budget. This could all be accessed via an Early Help Assessment within the children with disabilities services

Level 4 - Specialist Support

Is the specialist offer and would be via a social work assessment, or joint assessment with health colleagues where required for those children presenting with the highest level of need. This group of children and young people will currently be at the stage in their lives where access to level 2 and 3 would present a high level of risk to the child or others