Summer term 2022

This is an update of some of the progress we have made in recent months based on what you have told us you need. We will continue to work to achieve positive change and improvements for families and will keep you updated on progress.

I have just noticed on the refine services tab on services in clubs and groups there is not an option for children just adults carers older people young people Also, is there nothing for ADHD?

The presumption is that young people also includes Children, we also provide the age band categories to refine searches e.g Early Years 0-4. We do have information regarding ADHD and this is a searchable ‘keyword’ - Condition specific information - ADHD

Could a link to the coproduction e-learning be added?

Link to Co-production e-learning added to the Working Together page

I thought the JSNA was now on the LO, it is not coming up on the main council website either

Link to the JSNA from the front page of the Local Offer and from the About us page.

How do parents access the PDA training that staff can also access? Can this be put on the page that the PDA position statement is on?

PDA Training link added to the PDA page.

I have noticed there is no information for Radar keys and where to buy them. This key is crucial for some public disabled toilets and for some lifts.

Updated the website with information about RADAR keys and also Changing Places toilets within Central Bedfordshire.

Feedback about JSNA The above link takes you to a JSNA written in 2017 with some concerning and inappropriate wording. This is the paragraph: "A learning difficulty is not the same as a learning disability. Rather it is an umbrella term used to describe conditions like pure autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or dyslexia. It can also be argued that some learning difficulty conditions, with the exception of all pure autistic spectrum disorders, are not life long conditions, as they can be improved in time with the correct support." The last sentence is worrying. Autism in any form is a lifelong neurodisability that cannot be "cured" as this sentence

We Did:

Forwarded to Public Health, who replied:

The JSNA for children and young people was updated in July last year and can be found here

The updating of adult JSNA is already underway with one of the public health team leading this, working closely with colleagues and stakeholders.  This will be uploaded as soon as it is finalised

I will ask colleagues to remove the 2017 section as soon as possible and my apologies that this had not happened already

It’s really difficult to find any training on the LO – can’t there be a tile on the front page that has it all in one place Free learning or something ? Parents don’t know where it is or that it's even available

Training and Workshops tile added to home page linking to Learning Central

Hello, please would it be possible to have an up-to-date list of the statuary SEND team with their contact details on the local offer page. I believe some officers may have changed. Please could you remove Ardley Hill Academy as an ARP from specialised provision section. This facility no longer exists I believe

Updated SEND Team contact details and removed Ardley Hill

I searched (variety of different spellings) in the search box to find out information about SENDATs. Please could this be added as it is very time-consuming searching and SENDATs have an important role to support children with SEND in CBC|

Updated SENDAT information and adjusted search functionality

I’m looking on the health pages for links to PALS for a parent and nothing is there, could something be added please?

Created Feedback, Comments and Complaints section where this information will sit under as well as in the Health section

Can a link to the main OFSTED information page be added to the front page please? I cannot find the link to the information I need.

Link to Ofsted added to front page.

I have put young carers in the search function and nothing comes up?

Updated Young Carers page.

Where is your post 19 transport policy? Could all three transport policies be added to the LO page as this is really difficult trying to navigate the pages to signpost parents to?

Updated the Travel and Transport front page with links to the policies

Can you please add the Bedfordshire Police Pegasus scheme information?

Updated website on Pegasus scheme details
