Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport

Special assistance is available to passengers who may need help to travel such as the elderly, those people with a physical disability, such as wheelchair users, and those who have difficulty with social interaction and communication, such as those with autism or dementia.

Your right to special assistance is stipulated in UK law and applies when:

  • You fly on any airline from a UK airport
  • You fly on an EU or UK registered airline to an UK airport
  • You fly from outside of the UK or EU to the EU on a UK carrier

Passengers who want special assistance should aim to give their airline 48 hours notice of the help they require.

Help is available from the moment you arrive at an airport and can cover:

  • your journey through your departure airport
  • boarding the aircraft and during the flight
  • disembarking the aircraft
  • transferring between flights
  • travelling through your destination airport.

Who to contact

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Gatwick Airport
Gatwick Airport
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Last Updated

Last updated: 21/09/2021