Children’s Continence Service

Bedfordshire Children's Community Health Services

Bedfordshire Community Health Services help children and young people who have continued difficulties with continence issues (constipation, day time wetting, night time wetting etc.) who have already had support from our 0-19 team and children with complex needs with continence issues.

Stage 1 - All children should have access to, a school nurse, health visitor or GP for basic advice and guidance on toileting problems.

Stage 2 - If needed, a referral can be made to see a specialised continence champion for any continuing difficulties.

Stage 3 - If at this stage, a referral will be made to our continence clinic, held in a variety of locations.

A 24 hour answerphone service is available on the following numbers:

Bowel and Bladder - 01234 310847
Special Needs continence - 0300 790 6894

Who to contact

Contact Name
Bedfordshire Children's Community Health Services
Children’s Continence Service
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Referral required
Referral Details

Children registered with a GP in Bedford and Central Bedfordshire with constipation, day/night time wetting (which is not age appropriate) can be referred after stages 1 and 2 have been completed. Children aged 4 years and above with additional or complex needs who have continence issues can be referred for further assessment.

They will need to be registered with a GP in Bedfordshire or Luton.


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Last Updated

Last updated: 26/07/2023