Jigsaw Service

The Jigsaw Service provides Social, Emotional & Mental Health support to schools and children of statutory school age, across the primary age phase, to prevent suspensions and permanent exclusions, which have a detrimental impact on a child’s well-being and future outcomes.

The support that the service provides is primarily delivered in an Outreach capacity through a tiered model of support. However, where a child’s risk of permanent exclusion persists, despite extension Outreach support, a short-term Nurture and Assessment Placement (NAP), in an In-Reach capacity, is considered.

Jigsaw Service Aims

  • To support young people with their social, emotional and mental health through assessments and interventions.
  • To support adults supporting young people who are displaying challenging behaviour to be curious about behaviour, aiming to understand that it is a communication of a possible unmet need or unidentified special, educational need and/or disability.
  • To support adults and young people to calm, connect, think and adapt (Regulate Relate Reason).
  • To support adults to create a nurturing, inclusive, equitable and safe environments based on trusting and supportive relationships.
  • To develop positive and supportive partnerships with children, parent/carer(s) and professionals from education, health, and social care to further assess underlying cause for challenging behaviour.
  • To raise awareness and enhance school staff’s understanding of Social, Emotional and Mental Health through preventative, whole-school, universal and personalised packages of support.
  • To prepare children for the next stage in their educational journey by providing bespoke transition and reintegration support.
  • To eliminate or reduce the risk of a young person being suspended or excluded from school. 

A request for consultation

Entry Criteria

A request for an initial consultation from the Jigsaw Service can be made by any Central Bedfordshire Lower, Primary or Middle school.

Personalised Individual Support

  • Children must be statutory school age (5-11years)​.
  • The child’s behaviours in school are causing concern.
  • The child may be at risk of receiving suspensions from school.
  • The child may have already received suspensions from school and is now at risk of being permanent excluded (PEx).
  • The child is receiving strategies of support​ in line with the SEND Code of Practice (SEND CoP) graduated approach model, whereby needs have been identified and specific provisions to meet those needs have been implemented. This will be evidenced in the schools’ Assess-Plan-Do- Review (APDR) process as part of the Graduated Approaches. An Evidence of Graduated Response Checklist is available to

Whole-school, Universal and Targeted Support

  • Bespoke training sessions for staff in relation to Social, Emotional and Mental Health.
  • Assemblies: Raising Awareness of Social, Emotional & Mental Health.
  • Bespoke Teacher Coaching Packages of support: ‘Managing Behaviour in the Classroom.’
  • Support drop ins for young people, school staff and families.
  • Support identifying, assessing, and implementing support for young people with social, emotional and mental health.

A consultation request for personalised individual support can be made via the CBC’s Single Service Online Referral Form

A consultation request for Whole-school, Universal and Targeted Support can be made via our Referral form

Please refer to the SEND Tool Kit for further support.

The following supporting evidence is the minimum requirement when making a request for consultation:

Personalised Individual Support

  • Parental Consent
  • Up-to-date behaviour logs showing the behaviours causing concern.
  • Assess-Plan-Do-Review (APDR) cycles (preferably two cycles) which show what has been put in place to support the child’s needs in school. At least one APDR cycle needs to evidence a review of the strategies in place (what has worked, what hasn’t).
  • If a child has an EHCP, this needs to be submitted with the request.

In addition to the above, please submit any further documentation which supports understanding of the child’s needs and supports the request for consultation.

Whole-school, Universal and Targeted Support

  • Outline desired support.
  • Rationale for support and target audience.
  • Outline desired outcomes.